The Fanedit Central database is possibly the largest single list of fanedits on the internet today.
It is a Google Spreadsheet listing fanedit title, origianl title, editor name, release date, franchise, and any available releveant links. Often the links for a given edit will be to a thread on the IFDB forums or a reddit post, but some will just have a Google or Mega Drive download link.
Some edits may have a .dlc file which must be opened by a download manager application such as jdownloader2. Some other edits may not have any download link and only a forum post; in these cases, the only option is to sign up at the message board and DM the editor asking for a copy.
The Internet Fanedit DataBase, and its host, is a monolithic hub for faneditors and their projects. The website and message boards had an "encounter" with the MPAA some years back, and while they are still in operation, they are very strict on not allowing any public download links or tolerating edits based on pirated material.
The IFDB forums also have a political climate of their own, as can be expected of any internet forum, so while there is a guarantee of quality for most fanedits listed, not all interested parties may want to submit to the extensive guidlines and requirements.
Since the IFDB does have such heavy requirements, their listings for fanedits are quite thorough and detailed, including a reasonably active review section, so one can expect to be well-informed of the project they are viewing, even if one must go elsewhere to obtain said project.
Fanedit Info is an older site, but it still checks out. This database does not have information or description of fanedits, and does not have direct download links; the links here are to .dlc files, so you must use a download manager such as jdownloader2 to obtain any edits listed here.
Unfortunately, given the nature of .dlc files and the links contained therin, many, if not most, of these downloads are dead. Most edits listed here can be found on the IFDB forums or through the Fanedit Central database, so this resource is not particularaly recommended by the Observer.
While you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany than reddit, and Reddit is kind of a terrible, user-unfriendly platform to use, r/fanedits is an excellent community that, while moderated by many of the same people who run the IFDB forums, is much more open to any passerby who wants to post an edit they made.
You aren't guaranteed an extensive cutlist, but at least some minimal description can be expected, and direct download links are the standard for any post. Some may be obfuscated behind base64 encryption, but that is simple enough to resolve.