When you wish to achieve something in the game, the Game Master will will assign the task a difficulty, which is the number of successes you need to roll on d20s to complete the task successfully. The Game Master will also determine which Attribute and Division will be used for the task.
You will then add together your points for the Atribute and Division to provide the target nubmer for a success; you will need to roll less than or equal to that target nubmer to achieve one success. You will always roll 2d20, but the task's difficulty may be higher than two; additional d20s can be purchased by spending Momentum or Threat, or from other characters' assistance.
Momentum is earned when you roll more successes than are necessary to complete a given task. These can be spent immediatley for an effect depending on the task being attempted, or may be stored in a pool to be used by any player later. However, no more than 6 total momentum can bee in the pool, and 1 momentum is lost at the end of each scene. Below are some effects momentum can be spent on.
- CREATE ADVANTAGE (2M): Following a task roll, create a positive or advantageous circumstance, remove 1 complication, or create a complication for an adversary.
- CREATE OPPORTUNITY (1M, Immediate, Repeatable): You may purchase additional d20s before rolling for a task. Whether spending Threat or Momentum, the first additional d20 costs 1 point, the second 2 points, and the third 3 points.
- CREATE PROBLEM (2M, Immediate, Repeatable): Increase the difficulty of an opponent's task by 1. This must be done before the opponent rolls their dice.
- OBTAIN INFORMATION (1M, Repeatable): Ask the Game Master a single question about the current situation, or an item, object, structure, creature, or character present in or relevant to the current scene. The information is limited to what would be relevant and reasonable to obtain from the given situaiton.